56069, Montgomery MN Overview


Population Growth (since 2000)8%
Population Density (ppl / mile)1,226.00
Household Size (ppl)2.513
Households w/ Children28%

Housing Stability

Annual Residential Turnover0%
5+ Years in Residency44%
Median Year in Residency4.05

Housing Inventory

56069 MN Housing Inventory 112237989989112989

Population Demographics

The population of the community broken down by age group. The numbers at the top of each bar indicate the number of people in the age bracket below.

56069 MN Population Demographics

Total: 3,084


Median Age: 38.61

Climate and Weather

The Temperature chart displays average high and low values for January and July, and is designed to provide an indication of both seasonal and daily temperature variability. The Weather Risk Index indicates the calculated risk of each type of weather event occurring in the future. This risk is based on historical localized storm events and weather patterns. The national average for each type of weather event equals a score of 100, so a score of 200 would represent twice the risk as the national average, and a score of 50 would represent half the risk of the national average.

Temperature (degrees F)

56069 MN Temperature

Weather Risk

56069 MN Weather Risk


The Community Educational Index chart is based on the U.S. Census Bureau's Socioeconomic Status (SES) elements. Factors used in creating the index below are income, educational achievement, and occupation of persons within the selected ZIP code. Since this index is based on the population of an entire Zip code, it may not reflect the nature of an individual school.

Education Climate Index

56069 MN Education Climate Index

Highest Education Level Attained

56069 MN Highest Education Level Attained 68728624451862186006872862445186

Employment and Finance


56069 MN Workforce

Income by dollar range (Median Income: $60,275)

56069 MN Income by dollar range 6074202675372711295841802211444322311

Fair Market Rents

The Fair Market Rents show average gross rent estimates based on figures provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

One Bedroom
Two Bedroom
Three Bedroom
Four Bedroom

Smoking Ban

The Smoking Ban data indicates whether an area has a smoking ban in place for workplaces, restaurants or bars. This information represents that of the search area and may not reflect that of the whole County or State.



The Crime Index compares the risk or probability of future occurrence of certain types of crime in this community as compared to the national average. The national average for each type of crime equals a score of 1.0, so a score of 2.0 would represent twice the risk as the national average, and a score of 0.50 would represent half the risk of the national average.

56069 MN Crime

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